Remember these birthday buddies from last year? (1.25)
On Tate's first birthday we announced that we were pregnant with Tannner. I wanted to start this birthday post by saying that "we're expecting, " Not me, but Tanner. He has the cutest, hugest belly ever.

He is so funny. He is so completely different than Tate. I can't explain it. He is just starting to form sounds that are starting to sound like words. His absolute favorites, that he repeats all the time, are "Da" and "Tot" (Tate) He loves Tate! They are so cute together. They are even starting to have mini wrestling matches where Tanner will actually participate for a minute or two before he starts crying.
We had just a small party in the loft. We projected "101 Dalmations" on the wall, and had a little snack bar in the back of the room. 101 Dalmations is such a classic. I bought it that morning, and have watched in several times since. I seriously enjoy that movie. Cruella DeVille is so over the top. My favorite scene is at the beginning, though, where Pongo is trying to "find his pet a mate" and he is looking at all the dogs and their owners in the park. All the dogs and owners resemble each other and I think that it is so funny (and true). It reminds me of a work party that I had one Christmas at my boss' house and my boss and her dog seriously resembled one another. Their hair was the same color and consistency and the just looked like they belonged to one another. I still laugh to think about that.
Chris and some of his peeps around the snacks. Chris is a good sport. The party was pretty kid oriented (101 Dalmations for a 28th bday, come on.) But our Hawaii trip was partially for his bday, so hopefully that made up for it .
After the movie we had cake and ice cream downstairs. I made this birthday banner to be used on everyone's birthday from now on, and I am really liking how it turned out.
Me and the goat (as I affectionately refer to him) I even have this song about him to the tune of that really old song "lollipop"
"Nanner goat, Nanner goat oo lali lali lali Nanner goat. ba dum dum dum"
Even Tate joins in these days.
I really am his favorite person in the whole world. Not to be boastful-but I am. It is a bit unnerving at times; when the only person he wants is me. But I mostly really like it. He adores Chris too. But he still most often prefers me more.