So I consider myself a huge bargain shopper. You might say that I am cheap. But I think I may have found the best deal of my entire life yesterday, so I HAD to share. When you find an amazing deal like this you have to gloat a little.

So see these authentic Levis? Well, I was at Sam's club, just milling around, and I saw that they had men's Levis there for less than $20. Chris wants a pair of Levi's jeans for Christmas so I started looking for his size. Of course I had to dig through all of the piles and when I got to the very back pile, at the very bottom of the pile, I came upon this lone pair of women's Levis, that just happened to be my exact size. So I walked around the clothing area looking for similar women's jeans, but could not find them. So I decided to take them up to the front to see how much they were, thinking maybe I would get a good deal. Lo and behold, when the girl rang them up they were $3.06. !!! For all you disbelievers and sceptics I have included proof:

Yesterday was a great day.
You can feel totally guilt free when you wear those jeans! Congrats on the sweet deal!
Wow...I'm speechless. That could quite possibly be the cheapest pair of pants ever purchased in, in the free world. Hats off to you my friend...hats off.
Well done! I'm so jealous!
So when I was looking at your receipt (because yes, I did click on it to make it bigger...because I am nosey and wanted to know what else you bought!) I thought:
A) I wonder what books she bought.
B) Who was the cashier that kept adding an extra item and then taking it back off?
Ok, but really I just wanted to know about the books because I'm always looking for a good one to read! I'm excited that you found those jeans!
you are so funny! that is one crazy good deal! and i must say i am a little disappointed in you not being at the game it really should never happen again! jk but it really wasn't that cold!
Hey! I came across your's adorable! Hope you guys are doing good. It was good to see you at church a while back!
That's awesome! I remember going shopping together back in high school. We always went straight for the sales racks :).
I wanted to let you know that we changed our blog address to so please update your info so we can still keep in touch! Thanks!
WOW! I'm taking you with me on my next shoppping trip .:)
I saw your cute little boy when Matt and I went running. He is so adorable and very happy. I better see you this time before we go back to AR.
Hello... I think it's so funny when I happen to come across blogs and then see that person. I saw someone I only knew from spying their blog at the store the other day and couldn't think if I really knew them or not. :) Anyway, here is my email, so I can send you an invite to my blog,
Hey! I really need to get your phone number again. I guess I never saved it to my cell when I was in Casa Grande today I COULDNT CALL YOU!! I was bummed. I wanted to see if you wanted to do some shoppin! Another time for sure. Anyways, we should get together, and I definately need to get your number again! Hope you had a great Christmas!
P.s. NICE!! I want a pair! Or TWO!! haha
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