So I didn't plan to blog today, and normally I'm not too vocal about Martin Luther King Jr. day, but I had an experience that made me want to blog today. I never write about anythign controversial, but hey, that's what blogs were meant to be for, right? So let me paint the picture: Chris is off work today so he is riding his horse. He was invited to rope at someone's house here in Casa Grande where he has only been once or twice before. Tate and I went along to hang out. So there is one man in particular that I would like to describe. He is there roping. He has several teeth missing. He is unemployed, probably in his late 30s, maybe early 40s. He and his wife and two kids live with his brother right now. Both of his kids are right there with us-one is 11 and the other is probably 8 or so. So all of a sudden, this guy says, "imagine that, we're roping on n***** day. You know where I come from we ain't afraid to call them what they are." And I think to myself, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" You have your two kids here and what are you teaching them? What ignornance. So yes, I believe that all men are created equal. That's how this country came to be; it was founded on this belief. That's why the first pilgrims came here-to escape persecution and find a place where all could live as equals. That's the way God intended it, I think.
that story is...i would say unbelieveable because I wish it was, but actually it's just sad. Why can't we all just get along?!?!
Did you say anything??? I don't think I could help myself and I probably would have said something really rude back...how ridiculous!
It shocks me how ignorant people can be. I think the saddest part of all of it is that his kids were there to hear it. What an example. No wonder we're still fighting the fight.
I feel the same way as you do. Living here in Arkansas I am shocked that there is still a lot of racism. The famous desegregation of Central High happened in Little Rock. Since it happened so long ago you think people would be over it but there are still a lot of people unhappy about the decision. It goes both ways out here. You can be hated simply because you are black or white. It is really sad.
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