Tate's friend Parker was able to come too:
If you'll notice, I have my ears pierced and my hair is colored...I'm getting quite liberal these days. haha But really, I got my ears pierced for the first time over spring break, and I have never had my hair colored except for my roomates experiments when she was in beauty school. I think my dad thinks I am going the way of the world! Now all my sisters have their ears pierced too, and I think it's all my fault! We're pretty hard core.
ANYWAY, Tate got a ton of presents, including one that looked like this:

And said, "I'm going to be a big brother!"
So yes, that was the surpise at his birthday party. Tate and the baby will be about 18 mos apart. I'm due Feb. 4th, which makes me a couple days shy of 12 weeks. When I was at the end of my pregnancy with Tate, and the first couple of really crappy weeks after he was born (mastitis twice) I thought to myself, "I don't know if I could do this again." But, courage take, I don't feel that way anymore. Chris keeps telling people, "we're taking it nice and slow." haha I'm excited for Tate and the baby to be so close in age, and hopefully good buddies. Chris thinks it's a girl, and I might agree. We'll see in a few weeks!
Congratulation!!! Another little one your parents must be so excited. Looks like you are doing great!
YEAH!!! Congratulations. That is so exciting! I just knew it when I read your last blog about how there was going to be a surprise. Welcome back to pregnancy. I hope you are feeling well.
Congratulations Melissa! I am so excited for you. I am sure they will be great friends whether it is a boy or a girl. How fun!
Congrats! That is so exciting for you guys!
WHAT?! I can't believe you got your ears pierced AND colored your hair! Way to come over to the dark side :). CONGRATS on the pregnancy, that is very exciting news! Please tell Tate happy birthday from me, even though he doesn't know who I am... it's the thought that counts, right?
Congrats Melissa and Chris...and Tate too of course! How exciting! I'm glad that birthday bash went well. And wow Melissa, you are getting quite scandalis in your old age, haha, I really don't think I ever noticed that you didn't have your ears pierced. You are looking fabulous!
YAY MELISSA AND CHRIS!! What an exciting time. (Believe it or not, I actually miss being pregnant). I think it's awesome that they will be so close in age. BFF's!! Haha. Congrats.
Congratulations!!!!!!How Exciting! Yeah I am in those first couple of weeks and thinking the exact same thing, I don't know how people do it right now but thankfully I can see there is light if people are having their second, that is so exciting, congrats again!
Yay!! Congratulations!! & Happy late birthday to Tate!
Awwww what a cutie! And congrats! You look Beautiful prego! It is a good look for ya!!!
Yeah for another baby! So excited for you guys! Looks like it was a fun party.
Congratulations! I can't believe how small Tate has gotten. I'm sure your parents are so excited to have another grandbaby around. Hopefully things will go better with this baby (no mastitis). How are you feeling?
Yay! Our babies will only be a month apart! Now if I could only move to AZ they could be friends!! I can't believe Tate is already one year old! Time is flying by way too fast
Congratulations! How fun!
OKAY...how in the heck did I not check your blog all week! Melissa! I talked to you on the phone even and I feel like an idiot because I didn't even say anything about your good news because I DIDN'T KNOW! I was all "yeah i've never even met Tate and he's like a year old...blah blah blah," but holy cow I hadn't read your blog yet. Congratulations Merlis! And what a fun last couple of posts about Tate...I enjoyed reading them so much. What a cute way to announce that you're pregnant! AHH I can't wait to see you next week. Are you feeling good? I mean you're almost out of the first trimester so that's great...I remeber that was like an instant energy boost for me. Oh man...I just can't wait until Thursday! See you so soon...
Congrats, guys! That is so awesome! Oh, and a couple weeks ago your dad told one of my YW who is friends with your little sister that I'm expecting...which I'm not. Don't know how he got that idea! Haha!
I'm so excited for you Melissa! I wish I had known that you were pregnant when I saw you at the softball game the other night. That will be exciting to find out if it's a boy or a girl. I actually just made a blog for our family today. It's thecolvinclan@blogspot.com if you want to check it out. Good luck with your pregnancy!
Looks like you had fun at the birthday party. And congrats about the one on the way. 18 months is close but..I have heard of a lot closer. Marlee and I are 18 months apart and I think it is fun!!
YAH! How exciting!! Our babies will be close in age this time! You will love having them close...you should know, your sibs are close! Congrats!
Tate is the cutest little tough guy! Congrats on being prego-I hope everything goes well for you! I love how you announced!
YEAH!!! I'm so excited for you!! HOW FUN!! Amanda and I are 18 months apart! I LOVE it!!! It was so fun growing up!! CONGRATS!!!!! Tate it so cute!!! I can't believe he is a year old! Time FLIES!!! I can't wait to hear what your having!
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